Visual Sequential Narrative // Starting Point

For my narrative, I wanted to focus on a story of migration, specifically my own story of migration. I'm originally from Puerto Rico and I have been thinking about my native land a lot lately and specifically moving back because I feel like I missed out on a lot of stuff growing up and I would just like to catch up with it. I follow a lot of accounts on instagram that document older pictures of Puerto Rican life and I thought it would be really cool to incorporate a couple, if not just one, into this project. 

I really want to use this picture because of the hazy quality and the shape of the mountains and the road. I think it could create quite an interesting creation. I even asked the owner of the account if I could use this picture and they said most pictures on the account are for public use so I'm quite relieved that I'll be able to use this. 

 ((I know these updates are coming super late but I have been super, super sick recently because of my chronic illness and I'm sorry I haven't uploaded work up until now))


  1. Hi, Dani. This sounds like a really cool concept. I'm excited to see the final!


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