Fantasy Appliance


    For the Fantasy Appliance project, I chose to focus on this lamp. It took several trips to thrift stores to find just what I wanted but the detail of this lamp and those around it called out to me. 

This is one of my first sketches. I am not super content with it so I will continue to refine the lamp and all the little details. I think as far as the overall shape goes, I got pretty close. I just need to add more contours and smaller details. 

I think for my overall fantasy appliance concept, I want to make a lamp "forest" utilizing my first lamp sketch, along with other lamps and trying to mesh them with trees.  I think the concept has worked well so far since the shapes are similar and they mesh well together. I think I want to use mainly pine trees or similar trees for this "forest". 

This is my latest rendition of my tree lamp and so far it's going pretty well. Right now I am trying to figure out how to get a light to emanate out of the shade, which is the top part of a tree called the umbrella pine! I really want to develop this concept more and mess around with the base of a lamp too, to see if it will mesh better with a forest ground. I think if I just add it in as is it will look very strange and out of place. 

    This is the final iteration of my fantasy appliance and I decided to make a sort of "green energy" sort of lamp. I was inspired by some articles I had read about green energy and monitoring one's electricity use so I decided to apply it to this project. It ended up being a lot simpler than a forest of lamp-trees but I am still pleased with the result. However, this was a last-minute decision so. feel like I didn't get enough time to flesh it out like I wanted to. I can only imagine what a room of plant/lamp hybrids would look like. 


  1. I think this idea is going to look great in your final image. I'm excited to see further renditions!

  2. Great start here! The lamp neck definitely makes for a cool looking tree, and I think it will look dope in a forest setting. It's up to you, but as far as contrast is concerned, you could do the other tree lamps lighter shades of grey to help with contrast, or even make it foggy and play with some transparency in the layers!

  3. This piece already has so much interest!! I really love the shading and the sort of abstract this gives.


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